Friday, June 9, 2023

All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris

   2007; 324 pages.  Book 7 (out of 13) in the “Sookie Stackhouse” series.  New Author? : No.  Genres : Paranormal Romance; Mystery; Vampires.  Overall Rating : 8*/10.


    Sookie’s got a new job!  But don't worry, she still has her old waitressing one at Merlotte’s in Bon Temps, Louisiana.  The new one’s a moonlighting gig, literally.


    She’s going to a giant gathering of vampires, where a number of trials will take place, including the murder charge being brought against Sophie-Anne Leclerq, the Vampire Queen of Louisiana.  The vamps want Sookie to use her telepathic powers to “tap into” the other humans in the crowd, most of whom will be unaware of Sookie’s talent, and might be thinking important clues about the cases being tried.


    The work should be easy enough, but it is potentially dangerous as well.  This is a large, well-publicized meeting of the undead, and there are humans out there—most prominently, The Fellowship of the Sun—who are vehemently anti-vampire and feel called by God to kill as many of the fanged fiends as they can.


    Even worse, the gathering may also attract some individuals—both living and undead—who have scores to settle with Sookie personally.


What’s To Like...

    All Together Dead is the seventh book in Charlaine Harris’s ultra-popular paranormal series, which Amazon labels as the “Sookie Stackhouse” series, while Wikipedia prefers to call it the “Southern Vampire Mysteries” series.  I’ve been reading it in chronological order, so I’m now about halfway through.


    The book’s main setting is new turf for Sookie, a fictional city called Rhodes located up along Lake Michigan.  I think this is the furthest Sookie’s been away from her home state of Louisiana.  As usual, the storyline is a pleasant blend of Romance (Sookie is still mad at Bill and currently involved with Quinn), Mystery (well you expect there’ll be some murder-&-mayhem at the convention, right?), and Paranormal Fantasy (human and vampire interacting).


    Vampires are by far the main paranormal creatures in All Together Dead, although weretigers, werepanthers, werewolves, fairies, witches, half-demons, and Britlingen all make at least cameo appearances.  I think the Britlingen are new to the series, and I definitely hope to see more of them in the remaining tales.


    There were at least eight separate plotlines to follow in the book.  All but one or two of those are tied up nicely.  Charlaine Harris uses italics for the telepathic conversations between Sookie and others, which made such dialogue easy to keep track of.  Speaking of things to keep track of, there are a poopload of characters woven into the storyline.  Most of these are recurring ones, and I think the author does this deliberately to provide mini-backstories for them as an aid for readers who aren’t worrying about book-order to better understand “the bigger picture” of the series.


    There are plenty of thrills-&-spills which build to an action-packed climax that's somehow both uplifting and somber.  To give details would entail spoilers and we eschew them in these reviews, but suffice it to say, the pacing is rapid and there are no slow spots.


    Amazon: 4.6*/5, based on 3,375 ratings and 561 reviews.

    Goodreads: 4.07*/5, based on 197,536 ratings and 3,855 reviews.


Kewlest New Word ...

Fangbanger (n.) : a lover and blood donor of a vampire (slang, made-up).

Others: Catahoula (n.).



    “I’m going to a wedding shower tomorrow.  Not for Jason and Crystal.  Another couple.”

    Pam had paused, her hand on the doorknob of Eric’s office.  She considered my statement, her brows drawn together.  “I am not remembering what a wedding shower is, though I’ve heard of it,” she said.  She brightened.  “They’ll get married in a bathroom?”  (loc. 107)


    Andre made a beeline for me.

    “I know,” he said, “that is, Sophie-Anne tells me that I have done wrong to you.  I’m not sorry, because I will do anything for her.  Others don’t mean anything to me.  But I do regret that I have not been able to refrain from causing something that distresses you.”

    If that was an apology, it was the most half-assed one I’d ever received in my life.  It left almost everything to be desired.  All I could do was say, “I hear you.”  (loc. 3600)


Kindle Details…

    All Together Dead is presently priced at $8.99 at Amazon.  The rest of the 13-book series range in cost from $2.99 (Book 1 only) to $8.99.  Charlaine Harris has several other series for you, none of which I’ve yet started to read.  The e-books in those range from $4.99 to $12.99.


“Save your drama for your mama.”  (loc. 1694)

    As always, there isn’t a lot to nitpick about in All Together Dead.  The cussing is sparse—just 7 instances in the first 20%, including one f-bomb; plus a couple of rolls-in-the-hay along the way.  If you don’t like stories told in the first-person POV, be aware that this book, and the entire series, are all told this way.

    There’s no progress on the Romance angle.  Bill, Eric, and Quinn are all candidates to be Sookie’s true love, and I don’t expect that to be resolved anytime soon.  As already mentioned, there are gazillions of characters to meet and greet, which can get tiresome occasionally, but it's all for a good cause.


    The biggest issue, as noted by other reviewers, is the Murder-Mystery aspect.  Sookie finds an ally who is also telepathic, and the two of them set about sleuthing all the mayhem that’s afoot.  Alas, while there’s plenty of intrigue and excitement, the “great reveals” are relegated to just being dialogue in the final chapter.  It felt rather anticlimactic.


    But let’s be honest, we read this series for Sookie’s witty narration, for the interspecies interactions, and to witness Sookie falling into an abundance of troubles, yet somehow squirming her way out of it.


    All Together Dead succeeds nicely on all those counts.


    8 Stars. About halfway through the book Sookie attends a gay wedding, a royal one to boot, and nobody blinks an eye.  On a larger scale, the hypothesis being presented is that, no matter what our superficial differences are (does it really matter what humanoid species we belong to?), we need to learn to accept others as they are.

    Something to contemplate as we hobnob along with Sookie and a slew of vampires.

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