2008; 390 pages. Full Title : Noggle Stones : Book 1 : The Goblin’s Apprentice. New Author? : Yes. Genre : YA; Fantasy. Overall Rating : 8*/10.
the Goblin and his cousin Tudmire have run across a strange creature. It is twice as tall as a goblin (although not
particularly powerfully built), ugly, and rather slow of wit. It almost fits the description of a “human”,
but everyone knows those are just make-believe.
The creature calls itself Martin Manchester, and absurdly claims that
Bugbear and Tudmire are the legendary beasts.
But all three agree that the lay of the land looks different today. What has happened?
What’s To Like...
Noggle Stones – The Goblin’s Apprentice has what I
call the “Rocky
& Bullwinkle effect” – both young people (maybe, ages 10 and up) and
adults will be entertained by it.
Stylistically, it’s kind of a cross between The
Hobbit and Piers Anthony’s Ogre, Ogre.,
with a dash of Arthurian and Dr. Moreau-ian influence thrown in for seasoning. “Yes,” came Tudmire’s timid reply.
“This scroll has done something! I don’t know exactly what, but chances are we won’t live through it! And before we die, I wanted you to know something...”
“What’s that?”
“This is all your fault!” (loc.410)
“This has been very pleasant,” the man
said. “I mean that with all
sincerity. A wonderful show. Thank you very much.” He smiled and nodded to Maga and her
comrades. “But I’m afraid I’m going to
have to ask you to die now.” (loc.6366)
Kindle Details...
Noggle Stones Book 1– The Goblin Apprentice sells for $2.99
at Amazon. The sequel, Noggle Stones Book 2 – The Tragic Empire, is also $2.99.
You can pick up the paperback version
for $25.00, but why would you?
“Reality is a dream worth following.” (loc. 5024)
noted above, there is a sequel, and the book ends with a teaser for it, but NSB1-TGA is nevertheless a standalone novel. You will meet some Ogres here as well, and
there is a promise of elves (Aes Dana) in the near-future. It appears these are the only two books in
Wil Radcliffe’s repertoire. Here’s
hoping he is working on Book 3, since #2 is on my Kindle, and Noggle Stones is certainly worthy of being
developed into a series.Noggle Stones Book 1 – The Goblin’s Apprentice was a light, enjoyable read. Pick it up when you’re in a “Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!” mood. 8 Stars.