Monday, December 31, 2018

The Edge of Eternity - G.L. Breedon

    2014; 288 pages.  Book 3 (out of 3) of the Wizard of Time series.  New Author? : No.  Genre : Time-Travel; Fantasy, YA, Coming of Age.  Overall Rating : 7*/10.

    It’s crunch time in the Primary Continuum.  And Gabriel Salvador, the Seventh True Mage, knows he could be the cruncher or the crunchee.

    The good guys (the Grace Mages) have been taking a beating in their battles with the baddies (the Apollyons, the Malignancy Mages, and Kumaradevi’s soldiers), and now the baddies have figured out how to locate and conquer things called the “Anchor Points”.

    That threatens the Great Barrier of Probability, a mysterious temporal wall located at exactly 4:45 PM, October 28, 2012, beyond which time travel is a one-way affair.  Nobody knows who built the Barrier, or why.  But the bad guys obviously believe that its destruction will be a significant aid to their cause.

    It doesn’t help that there’s dissension in the ranks of the Grace Mages.  Their ranks have been thinned in the fights with the Dark Mages, to where further battles can only end in defeat.  The Ruling Council wants to do the prudent thing – evacuate their strongholds, slip away to an unknown time-&-place, and hope that things get better.

    There’s no denying that more mages are essential to have any chance of winning.  But running away is unacceptable to Gabriel.  Perhaps new alliances need to be made with some not-so-trustworthy forces.  Perhaps new magic and spells will need to be discovered.  But those Anchor Points must be recaptured at any cost.

    Because if the Great Barrier of Probability comes down, every being in this reality could wink out of existence.

What’s To Like...
     If you liked the first two books in this trilogy, you’ll like this one as well.  There a lot of time-jumping, and to all sorts of interesting places and times in History. Some of the locations are: 17th-century China, ancient Egypt, 16th-century Greece, the Paleozoic Era (dinosaurs!), the 1695 Siege of Namur (one of several historical sieges of Namur), and the Civil War era Battle of Gettysburg.  It warmed the cockles of my history-loving heart.

   The action starts immediately, as the reader is plunked down in the middle of something called The Battle of Shanghai Pass, fought in 1644, which led to the overthrow of the Ming Dynasty.  Arrows are flying, soldiers are dying, and cannons are firing.  It should be noted that the name of this battle was actually Shanhai, not Shanghai, but I suspect that was a spellchecker error.  And speaking of computer auto-corrected typos, it’s Planck’s Constant, not Plank’s Constant.  Silly spellchecker.

    If you’re more into wizards and spells than battle and history, you’re still in luck; there’s plenty of it here.  For me, it got a tad bit tedious after a while, but that’s probably because I zoned out while reading G.L. Breedon’s detailed instructions about the mechanics of it way back in Book 1.

    I liked Teresa’s flowery technical phrases (“dysphasic quantum morphic resonance”, “chrono-quantum consciousness entanglement”, among others), and  enjoyed being introduced to pelycasaurs (Wiki it).  The nods to Sisyphus and Nostradamus were also a nice touch.  The coming-of-age aspect of the story is well done.  Teresa and Gabriel are now an “item”, and experience the usual consequences thereof: teenage misunderstandings, kissing, and coping with the issue of “The Promise”.  I didn't note any R-rated stuff though, so there's no reason to have any qualms about buying this trilogy for a YA reader.

    The pacing is good; I don’t recall any slow spots.  Most of the plot threads get tied up, including what those involving Elizabeth and Aurelius.  The Edge of Eternity is not a standalone story; you really should read the books of this trilogy in order.  The fact that the author offers the complete series as a bundle is something to consider taking advantage of.

    “There is only one way to really know what will happen in your own future.”  Vicaquirao’s face held a blank expression as he stared at Gabriel.
    “You crossed your own timeline?”  Gabriel’s mouth fell open in surprise.
    “Some risks are necessary.”  Vicaquirao smiled.  “And some conversations more interesting than others.”
    “I don’t ever want to talk to my future self,” Gabriel said.
    “Ah, but your future self may feel differently about that.”  Vicaquirao laughed.  (loc. 10085.  Note: location numbers are relative to the bundled version of this trilogy, which is the format in which I read this book.)

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  Gabriel licked his lips, trying to figure out how to redirect the discussion and Teresa’s growing ire.
    “Liar.”  Teresa smacked his arm with the book still in her hand.  “You always lick your lips when you’re saying something you don’t believe in.”
    “I do not.”  Gabriel could not help himself.  He licked his lips.  (loc. 13268)

Kindle Details...
    The Edge of Eternity sells for $2.99 at Amazon.  The first book of the trilogy sells for $0.99, the second for $2.99.  The bundled version goes for a mere $4.99.  G.L. Breedon has started a couple other series, and also has a standalone novel, all of which currently sell for $2.99.

“You’ll catch more women with footwork than philosophy.”  (loc. 9830)
     There are a couple nits to pick.

    The ending was so-so.  It was certainly clever and YA readers will probably be happy with it.  But adult readers may find it a bit too convenient and devoid of twists and tension.  The bad guys, who were always two steps ahead of the good guys in the first two books, seem to just go to sleep now that everything’s on the line.

    There were a couple of telling/showing issues, and one rather long info dump about the causes of the Civil War as we roll into the Gettysburg setting.  I don’t remember info dumps about any of the other battle scenes, which I found surprising, since most readers would be far less familiar with Shanhai Pass, Lepanto, and Namur.

        7 Stars.  Add 1 star if you happen to be a YA reader, and another ½ star if you’re into time-travel stories, history, and/or coming-of-age genres.  The Edge of Eternity, and indeed, the whole trilogy is a fine read for its target audience, and that's what counts.  The reviews of the first two books in the series are here and here.

Friday, December 28, 2018

We - Yevgeny Zamyatin

   1921; 252 (includes a 20-page Introduction).  New Author? : Yes.  Genre : Dystopian Fiction; Russian Lit; Banned Books.  Laurels : Prometheus Award, “Hall of Fame” category (1994).  Overall Rating : 8½*/10.

    It took them a millennium, along with a 200-year war that wiped out most of humanity, but civilization finally achieved the perfect society.

    There is the great Green Wall to keep the local citizens from being corrupted by nature.  Vices such as cigarettes, booze, flirting, and impersonal (and unauthorized) sex are all taboo and those caught engaging in such habits face severe punishment.  One can have multiple lovers (because, after all, everyone is equal to everyone else), but you have to register your desired partners with the authorities, and the state assigns you the nights and hours to come together.

     All citizens are required to be happy and productive, and this is primarily a fusing of perfect harmony and absolute conformity.  There is no place in society for anyone with imagination.  Every citizen has a uniform to wear, and all are assigned identifying numbers, not names.  Marching in step with other happy citizens as often as possible is strongly encouraged.

    Everyone lives in glass houses or apartments, so The Benefactor and his “Guardians” can closely monitor all the aspects of one’s daily life.  The only exception is the one hour for authorized love-making, when one is allowed to close the curtains for the specified time and not a minute longer.

    We are all so lucky to live in paradise!  And now we’re about to launch a spaceship, so that we can bring such exquisite happiness to other worlds in the universe.

What’s To Like...
    Written in 1921We is one of the founding dystopian novels, although it is by no means the first.  Wikipedia gives that honor to Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, published in 1726, and which I never regarded as dystopian.  I may have to reread that one.  Wikipedia lists another 10 or so dystopian novels that preceded We, the most famous of which is H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine, published in 1895.

    Our main protagonist is D-503, who is also the chief engineer for the rocket ship project.  The reader meets less than 10 other characters, the most notable of which are O-90 (D-503’s lover), I-330, the woman who causes him to stray from his path of happiness, and of course, The Benefactor.  O-90 is a sweet and loving character, but is forbidden to bear children because she is isn't tall enough.  Genetic optimizing, and all that.

     The book is structured as a journal that D-503 keeps.  He promises to record all of his thoughts and feelings as he prepares to embark upon the great spaceflight, not realizing that his words will betray him once he starts to deviate from the collective thinking.   It is therefore told entirely from a first-person POV.  D-503 records 40 entries in all, so these “chapters” average out to be about 5 or 6 pages in length.

    I was pleasantly surprised by how powerful the writing was, particularly since the book’s original language was Russian, and something is always lost in translation.  Hats off to the translator, Mirra Ginsberg; this could not have been an easy task.  D-503 is convinced that every human situation can be examined, explained, and solved by applying mathematics to it (he’s quite enamored by the square root of minus one), and I’m sure this was a challenge to render into English.

    I was impressed by how closely a novel that was written in 1921 visualizes how a space flight will be carried out.  I also liked the brief nod to synesthesia on page 220 (“Laughter can be of different colors”), and the operation that can rid you of imagination.  The public execution carried out on pages 40-49 chilled me to the bone.  The “Hymn of the One State” reminded me of both the mandatory reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance when I was in grade school, and the Walmart company song that its employees used to have to sing at the start of each day back in the 1980’s.

    The ending is goosebumpily satisfying, although I would also add that it is the plot resolution utilized by a majority of the dystopian novels I’ve read.  This is a standalone novel, although a number of questions remain about “what happens next” at the book’s end.  I don’t believe a sequel was ever penned, either by Yevgeny Zamyatin or anyone else.

Kewlest New Word ...
Infusoria (n., plural) : minute aquatic, single-celled organisms.
Others : Plashed (v.); Antipodally (adv.).

    The scissor-lips gleamed, smiled.
    “You’re in a bad way!  Apparently, you have developed a soul.”
    A soul?  That strange, ancient, long-forgotten word.  We sometimes use the words “soul-stirring”, “soulless”, but “soul”…?
    “Is it … very dangerous?” I muttered.
    “Incurable,” the scissors snapped.  (pg. 89)

    “My dear – you are a mathematician.  More – you are a philosopher, a mathematical philosopher.  Well then: name me the final number.”
    “What do you mean?  I … I don’t understand: what final number?”
    “Well, the final, the ultimate, the largest.”
    “But that’s preposterous!  If the number of numbers is infinite, how can there be a final number?”
    “Then how can there be a final revolution?  There is no final one: revolutions are infinite.  The final one is for children: children are frightened by infinity, and it’s important that children sleep peacefully at night.”  (pg. 174)

Humility is a virtue, and pride is a vice; “We” is from God, and “I” from the devil.  (pg. 128 )
     The book opens with a 20-page introduction, which gives both a short biography of Yevgeny Zamyatin (yay!) and a couple of spoilers (boo!).  I recommend taking the time to read this section, but if that’s not your reading style, then the Wikipedia bio of the author is very similar in content.

    Yevgeny Zamyatin (1884-1937) was a true revolutionary idealist, protesting and running afoul of first the Czarist regime, then the Bolshevik bigwigs when that revolution failed to live up to its promises.

    We was banned by the Communists almost as soon as it came out, and Zamyatin was essentially living under a death sentence in 1931 when somehow Stalin was persuaded to let him go into exile instead of executing him or deporting him to Siberia.

    Zamyatin relocated in France, where loneliness and privation eventually led to his death from a heart attack in 1937.  Only a handful of friends showed up for his funeral.  Perhaps Stalin “won” after all, since it is better to turn dissidents into nobodies than into martyrs.

    8½ StarsWe was a short-but-daunting read for me, which is exactly what I was expecting.  I don’t think I can count it as a “highbrow” novel, but the fact that I read a book banned by the Soviet authorities for many years somehow makes me feel quite proud.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Voynich Cypher - Russell Blake

   2012; 268 pages.  Book 2 (out of 2) in the Dr. Steven Archer Cross series.  New Author? : Yes.  Genre : Action-Thriller ; Suspense; Conspiracies; Puzzle-Solving.  Overall Rating : 8*/10.

    They had one job.

    To guard an insignificant canister (about the size of a thermos) that’s in a secret room inside a sleepy, nondescript abbey in Italy.  It should've been an easy task for three heavily-armed commandos – one inside the room, one outside its door, and one on the grounds of the abbey.  It doesn't matter that they’ve never been told what the canister holds.

    The job's not new; it's been going on for four centuries now, and no one's ever tried to steal the object.  After a while, even the best-equipped protectors can let down their guard just a tad.  Take a short nap.  Listen to music on an iPod.  There's never any excitement.

    Until tonight, when someone somehow has stolen the canister.  And now the Order of the Holy Relic, who own and occupy the abbey, who hired these guards, and who have been entrusted by the Pope himself to safeguard the canister’s mysterious contents, are in a high dudgeon over the theft.

    And when you steal from the Church, there’s going to be hell to pay.

What’s To Like...
    The storyline of The Voynich Cypher is built around a real document called the Voynich Manuscript, and which can be justifiably called the "Holy Grail of Cryptography".   You can read the Wikipedia article about it here.  The story's structure is very similar to that of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code: the Roman Catholic is guarding a centuries-old secret, somehow it gets compromised, our heroes unwittingly fins themselves in possession of the secret, and they spend the rest of the book going from place to place, solving riddle after riddle, getting ever closer to uncovering the cosmos-changing secret, while also trying to stay one step ahead of bad guys and other rivals.

    For the most part, The Voynich Cypher takes place in various cities in Italy, and I was particularly impressed with the vividness with which Russell Blake portrayed that country.  Maybe he’s lived there; in any event, it certainly didn’t feel like a Wikipedia cut-&-paste job. Our two protagonists, Dr. Steven Cross and Natalie Twain, are fun to tag along with, and there are enough thrills, spills, chases, and puzzles to keep the reader turning the pages.

    The author lists  the place and time settings for the first couple chapters at their start, which was quite helpful.  I enjoyed the (obligatory) Knights Templar tie-in, and was pleasantly surprised by the brief nod to Mithraism, a long-forgotten religion.  Russell Blake blends the historical background of the Voynich Manuscript into the story in bits and pieces.  To a certain extent, this felt like an info dump, but I suppose it was necessary, since most readers will be unacquainted with it.  The author apparently doesn’t think much of tattooed Goth girls, Jack Kerouac, and Allen Ginsberg, and I got a chuckle out of that.

    I’m a big fan of situational ethics, so I was intrigued by the stealing of the “secret”.  Despite the excitement which ensues, I couldn’t help thinking that ultimately the Church had every right to try to recover the property that was stolen from it.  Curiously, the storyline sides with the thieves (the secret is said to be “liberated”, not “stolen”), and at times I found myself rooting for the agents of the Church to foil our heroes.

    The ending is adequately exciting, though not overly spectacular.  It had one interesting plot twist, but I was expecting it, since the reader knows all of the bad guys have to eventually be accounted for.  Some of the baddies are dispatched with a bit too providentially.  Ultimately, nothing in the world changes, but that sort of letdown is inherent with any book in this genre, including The Da Vinci Code.

    There are 42 chapters covering the 268 pages, which works out to roughly 6 pages per chapter.  The R-rated stuff is mostly cusswords, plus a couple of adult situations.   The number of secondary characters felt “just right” to me; not too many, not too few.  The Voynich Cypher is a standalone story, as well as the second book in a series.  It was published in 2012, and Russell Blake has never since added another installment to the series.  Inquiring minds would like to know why.

Kewlest New Word ...
Dispositive (adj.) : relating to or bringing about the settlement of an issue (such as the disposition of property)(Heh.  I thought it was a goofy way of saying “negative”.)
Others : Dongle (n.).

    “I think it’s him.  I trailed him from the flat.  I wish we had some photos so we could be sure,” the man muttered into the mouthpiece between puffs.
    “We’re trying to get access to the motor vehicle database for a license photo, but there’s nothing else I’ve been able to find.  The man obviously isn’t much for social media.  Pity.  Facebook’s made everything easier…”  (loc. 1618)

    “Where have you been?  It’s like you’re miles away.  Hello…”
    “I’m sorry.  I’m probably still tired, as well as a little surprised by …well… by this.”
    “Are you complaining?”
    “No.  Quite the opposite.  I mean it’s-“
    “If you find my company too distracting, we can always go back to being platonic colleagues,” she offered.
    “I’m not sure that would work,” Steven countered.
    “It had better not.”  (loc. 3424)

 “That’s the price of a soul these days?  I would have sold mine a long time ago if I’d had any idea you could get that kind of money for one.”  (loc. 4533)
    There are some quibbles.  All the characters are predominantly black or white; I like gray characters.  I felt there were a couple of missed opportunities for thrills and spills, most notably the demises of a pair of the “white-hat” secondary characters.

    There were one or two showing/telling issues, although not to where it got annoying.  And the author and his editors never could decide whether it’s a “duffel bag” or a “duffle bag”(Hint: it’s “duffel”.)

    But I pick at nits.  Overall, The Voynich Cypher kept my interest from start to finish, and didn’t strain the limits of believability, like some Action-Thriller do.  If you're looking for something to satisfy your "Dan Brown" itch, this book will do the trick nicely.

    8 Stars.  Subtract 2 stars if you don’t like books that are knockoffs of bestsellers like, say, Jurassic Park, Sherlock Holmes, Fifty Shades of Grey, or The Da Vinci Code.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I personally like such derivative efforts, provided they are well-done.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Brentford Chainstore Massacre - Robert Rankin

    1997; 366 pages.  Full Title: The Brentford Chainstore Massacre : The Fifth Novel in the Now Legendary Brentford Trilogy.  New Author? : No.  Genre : Absurdism; British Humor; Fantasy; “Far Fetched Fiction”; Running Gags.  Laurels: Nominee, British Fantasy Society “Best Novel” (1997).  Overall Rating : 9*/10.

    The year is 1997, and the world is starting to make plans to welcome in the new millennium.  Of course, it’s still a couple years away, so there’s lots of time to form committees, schedule celebrations, and come up with whatever other festivities are appropriate for welcoming in a new thousand-year stretch of time.

    But in quaint little Brentford, the time schedule is different.  They're planning for the  millennium to arrive two years early, and that means it’s just around the corner.  They’re entitled to this, they claim, because of some sort of document, issued by some Pope way back when, as a Papal Bull and called “the Brentford Scrolls”.  In it he bequeathed Brentford two extra days per year.  And as everyone knows, you can’t rescind something the Pope writes.

    Well, that might sound pretty silly, and it doesn’t help that no one remembers exactly where the Brentford Scrolls are located anymore, or indeed if it still exists.  Maybe it’s all a hoax, or an urban legend.

    But what if the Brentford way of calendar-reckoning is correct?  What if they’re the only ones who will be ushering in the new millennium at the precisely correct moment?  It might unleash something really cosmically good into the world.

    Or something really diabolically evil.

What’s To Like...
    The Brentford Chainstore Massacre is the fifth novel (out of ten, at last count) in the oxymoronically titled “Brentford Trilogy”, and that should give you a hint that the book will be full of the usual absurdities that run through anything penned by Robert Rankin.  The two main characters are Jim Pooley and John Omally, a pair of world-saving antiheroes who love to drink beer at the local pub called “The Flying Swan” and engage in witty repartee.  They are recurring Rankin characters, although I don’t think they are in every book in the quasi-trilogy.

     The storyline is convoluted and nonsensical.  There are two Ultimate Evils: Fred, who’s sold his soul to the Devil, and Dr. Steven Malone, who wants to clone Jesus Christ.  They are joined by a couple of brutish but somewhat dense thugs, Clive and Derek, so our two heroes will have to watch their step.

    The book is written in English, not American.  So you’ll run across words and spellings such as: lino, programme, marvellous, judgement, chilli pepper, and hoovering.  I love books written in English.  You’ll also be introduced to a pair of obscure (but real) medical terms, Idrophroisia and Sacofricosis, neither of which I had heard of before.  Google them at your own peril.

    I loved the ersatz Cockney rhyming schemes, such as “Sandra’s Thighs” standing for “eyes”, and laughed at acronyms such as SUCK (“Secret Unification for the Coming King”).  I was impressed by the two-page run-on sentence (shades of Jack Kerouac!) and another page devoted to F-alliteration.  And the secrets to traveling faster than the speed of light and “de-entropizing” will certainly come in handy. 

    There are 33 chapters (plus three short snippets of stories at the beginning) to cover 366 pages in the book.  There’s even a smidgen of a love story, which is somewhat rare in a Robert Rankin story, but don’t worry, this is not a Harlequin Romance.  The book’s title is referenced on page 242, but frankly, it's a very tenuous tie-in.

    The book’s ending is kind of a stutter-step affair.  The search for the Brentford Scrolls is resolved first, then the millennial celebration begins, with all its looming consequences.  It is all suitably climactic, exciting, and absurd; and you’ll get a new appreciation of the term deus ex machina”.  Somehow it works out quite well.

    Which is what you’d expect from a gifted wit like Robert Rankin.

Kewlest New Word...
Shufty (n.) : a look; a peep; a peek  (a Britishism).
Others : Dosh (n.; a Britishism); Fractious (adj.); Calumny (n.); Picaresque (adj.); Scrofulous (adj.).

    A lady in the straw hat sat down beside him.  “Are you lost?” she asked Jack.
    Jack clutched his package to his chest.  “Certainly not,” he told her.
    “Only I get lost sometimes.  I have who’ja vu.”
    “What’s that?”
    “It’s the opposite of déjà vu.  I can be in the middle of the supermarket and suddenly I get this feeling, I’ve never been here before.”
    “I have to go,” said Jack.  “I have a very important package to deliver.”
    “The doctor put me on a course of placebos,” said the lady in the straw hat.  “But I don’t take them.  I’m saving them all up for a mock suicide attempt.”  (pg. 65)

    “I come from a very musical family.  Even the dog hummed in the warm weather.”
    “How interesting,” said the Englishman.
    “Oh yes, very musical.  When I was only three I played on the linoleum.  We had a flood and my mother floated out on the table.  I accompanied her on the piano.  Talking of pianos, the cat sat down at ours once and played a tune, and my mum said, “We must get that orchestrated,” and the cat ran out and we never saw it again.  Now my father, my father died from music on the brain.  A piano fell on his head.”
    “Was that the same piano?” asked the Irishman.
    “Same one,” said Old Pete.  “I never played it myself.  I was going to learn the harp, but I didn’t have the pluck.”  (pg. 332)

“Crop circles are the stigmata of the Corn God.”  (pg. 249)
        There aren’t really any R-rated parts, but there are all sorts of double-entendres and ethnic jokes.  Those easily offended and/or prudish might have some uncomfortable moments.  If little Susie or Timmy reads this book, they might ask embarrassing questions.

    Also, if you’re looking for compelling storyline that will suck you into the tale, Robert Rankin probably isn’t for you.  His books are all about showcasing his delightful writing style, chuckling at running gags and zany happenings, learning all sorts of obscure trivia, admiring the author’s tastes in music, and wondering how in the world he’s going to wrap all the plot threads up.

    The Brentford Chainstore Massacre is my twelfth Robert Rankin book, and I have yet to be bored or disappointed by any of his works.

    9 Stars.  If you happen to be a Facebook member, you might consider following Robert Rankin.  Besides keeping you updated on the latest book he's working on, he also recounts all the bizarre events in his life.  And he seems to have a lot of them.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Spider Woman's Daughter - Anne Hillerman

    2013; 416 pages.  New Author? : Yes, but she’s Tony Hillerman’s daughter, and I’ve read his books.  Book #19 (out of 22) in the Leaphorn and Chee (and Manuelito)” series.  Genre : Murder-Mystery; Native American Fiction.  Laurels : Winner of the 2014 Spur Award for Best First Novel from the Western Writers of America; New York Times Best Seller list.  Overall Rating : 7½*/10.

    Someone has just shot retired Navajo Police Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn!  Right there in the parking lot of the Navajo Inn in Window Rock, Arizona, as he walked to his car after a breakfast with several of his former police colleagues.

    Who would want to do such a thing?  After all, he’s retired now.  Most likely it’s someone he helped put away in prison years ago.  If that’s the case, the list of suspects may be pretty long.  Or maybe it has to do with some job he’s working on at present.  He still does consulting work as a freelance investigator.

    It certainly wasn’t an accident.  The perpetrator jumped out of a blue car with Arizona license plates, pulled a gun, plugged Leaphorn right in the head, then jumped back in the car and sped away.  We know all this because Officer Bernadette “Bernie” Manuelito watched the whole thing unfold from the restaurant’s lobby.

    That bit of serendipity may have saved Leaphorn’s life for now.  But it might only be temporary, since the Window Rock medical facilities are not equipped for the immediate surgery and follow-up intensive care that Leaphorn desperately needs.

    But we may be overthinking all this.  Leaphorn’s live-in girlfriend, Louisa Bourebonette, recently left town after a spat with him, reportedly heading for Houston.

    And she’s not taking phone calls, and not making her present whereabouts available to anyone.

What’s To Like...
    Spider Woman’s Daughter is the 19th book in Tony Hillerman’s “Leaphorn and Chee” series, and the first one to be written and published after he passed away, with his daughter, Anne Hillerman, taking over as author.  I’ve read four of Tony’s books, and I was curious to see how closely Anne would stay true to the style, content, and storytelling of her father.

   The action starts off right away.  Leaphorn gets shot in the first couple pages, and the fact that his fellow police officers were at the scene when it happened means the hunt is on almost immediately.  As always in this series, the setting for the book is the Four Corners area of the US Southwest, with a lot of the events taking place in Window Rock, Arizona, and Shiprock, Santa Fe, and Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    The main storyline of course is trying to figure out who shot Joe Leaphorn and why.  But there are a bunch of secondary threads as well.  Why are Jackson and Nez so hard to locate?  What is Louisa hiding?  How the heck does the cat tie in with things?  And how does AIRC (the “American Indian Resource Center”) fit into all this?

     I enjoyed the various Navajo phrases that are scattered throughout the book.  “Yah Ta Hey”, I’m familiar with from my college days.  Here there was also the greeting  “Ya’ at’ eeh”, which I presume is a variant of Yah Ta Hey; Diné (“the People”); “hataalii” (a medicine man); “bilagaana” (anyone who is non-Navajo), and several others.  I’ve skipped most of the accent marks in these words.

    It was fun to learn about Hosteen Klah, a famous Navajo artist, weaver, and medicine man that I’d never heard of.  Wikipedia has a page devoted to him, which helped enlighten me.  And I enjoyed sitting in on the healing ceremony that takes place at the hospital for Joe Leaphorn.

    Since I live in Arizona, the reference to the local grocery chain called Basha’s brings back memories, since I'm pretty sure it’s no longer around.  The musical nods to Bruno Mars and Janis Joplin were also neat, although it appears the author is not a big fan of the latter.  And when it’s hot here in Arizona, you really don’t want to mess with other people’s Fudgsicles.

    The 416 pages are divided up into 22 chapters.  Spider Woman’s Daughter is both a standalone novel and a part of a 22-book series.

    “He shares his house with a lady friend, Louisa.”
    Cordova raised his eyebrows.
    “Louisa Bourebonette.”
    “Bourebonette?  A French Navajo?”
    “Not Navajo,” Bernie said.  “She’s a white woman, an anthropologist.”  Bernie thought of the old joke from Anthro 101: Every Navajo family includes Mom, Dad, four kids, and an anthropologist.  (loc. 203)

    “Isn’t this a new visitor center?”
    “It opened a few years ago.  The old building you remember had to be razed.”
    “Old?  Wasn’t it built in the late nineteen-fifties?”
    “Ironic, isn’t it?  Modern America couldn’t build a visitor center to last seventy years,” Stephen said.  “These Pueblo buildings still stand after more than a thousand.  But this time we did it right.  We brought in an Indian to bless the site.”  (loc. 2923)

Kindle Details...
    Spider Woman’s Daughter sells for $9.99 at Amazon, which is the same price you’d pay for the second and third books that she’s written in this series.  Her fourth and latest book, Cave of Bones, sells for $12.99, and was released last April.

“Life is full of if-onlys.”  (loc. 186)
    The ending has its pluses and minuses.  On the positive side, it’s suitably exciting, with a couple of red herrings to keep you on your toes.  Some parts of it are a bit over-the-top, but that just enhances the thrills and spills.

    On the down side, the perpetrator really needs to watch the Austin Powers movies and learn from them.  When you’ve captured the hero police detectives that have been chasing you, just shoot them already.  And if you’re not going to do that, at least don’t explain to them WHY you did it, and HOW you pulled it off.  Because, in the overwhelmingly likely event that they do escape the diabolical death trap you've created for them, prosecuting you will be an incredibly easy task.

    I call that last part a “Perry Mason” ending if you’ve ever read or watched that Erle Stanley Gardner series.  In fairness, it should be noted that Tony Hillerman routinely used that literary device as well.  It isn’t very realistic, but it does tie up plot threads efficiently.

    7½ Stars.  If you’ve loved Tony Hillerman’s books in this series and are worried about someone taking over the writing task, I have good news for you.  The transition from father to daughter in the authorship is smooth and seamless.  There’s no drop-off in the quality of the writing and little change in the style as Anne Hillerman takes up the pen.  I get the impression that Joe Leaphorn is being gradually phased out and replaced by Bernie Manuelito, but this started when Tony was still writing the stories.  About the only time I sensed a different author was when an entire page was devoted to Bernie musing about how her marriage to Jim Chee was being strained by both of them working on the Navajo Police Force.

    No male author would take that much time to write about that.  Which does not necessarily make it a bad thing.