Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Sunday The Rabbi Stayed Home - Harry Kemelman

    1966; 270 pages.  Book 3 (out of 12) in the “Rabbi Small Mystery” series.  New Author? : No.  Genre : Crime Mystery; Jewish Literature;  Amateur Sleuths.  Overall Rating : 6*/10.


    The members of the Barnard’s Crossing Temple are bickering again.


    The conservative faction, headed by Ben Gorfinkle, wants Rabbi David Small to publicly take a stand supporting book censorship and prayer in the schools; plus attacking the coddling of criminals and denouncing the Civil Rights protests.  And Gorfinkle is confident they have enough votes to make this temple policy.


    The progressive faction, headed by Meyer Paff, wants Rabbi Small to publicly take the opposite stand on all these issues.  They’re aware they don’t have enough votes for this, and therefore are prepared to break away and start their own temple, taking a lot of the present congregation, and hopefully Rabbi Small, with them.


    Although the Rabbi is sympathetic with the Meyer Paff’s group, he doesn’t want have the congregation split in two.  He’d prefer to do anything except be forced to choose one temple faction or the other.


    Like investigate a murder or two, perhaps?


What’s To Like...

    Sunday The Rabbi Stayed Home is a blend of three storylines.  One is an enlightening discussion of Jewish-vs.-Christian dogma; one is an insightful look at inter-congregational squabbling; one is Rabbi Small’s investigation into two local deaths that have suspicious circumstances.


    The temple squabbles receive the majority of the attention and I suspect it will be a recurring theme of this series, since Book 11 is titled The Day the Rabbi Resigned.  A new twist of it crops up here: Rabbi Small is becoming popular among the Jewish youths, and he’s now considering joining Hillel, the largest Jewish student organization worldwide, as a counselor.


    Harry Kemelman works a lot of Yiddish religious terms and phrases into the text, and I always like that.  Rabbi Small engages in a couple of discussions with a Roman Catholic priest at the local Newman Center (the Catholic equivalent of Hillel), which both Father Bennett and myself found thought-provoking.  Two of the topics were a.) the role of Faith and/or the lack of it, and b.) the importance of what we believe versus that which we do.


    The Rabbi’s investigations into the two deaths are suitably thorough despite the lack of clues.  Sunday The Rabbi Stayed Home was published in 1969, and I was not surprised to see marijuana (or “marihuana” as the author spells it) being a factor in the probes.  I winced at the repeated use of the word “Negro” here, then remembered it was the preferred term for blacks during that era.


    Things build to a so-so ending.  Rabbi Small figures out the “whodunit” by clever deductive reasoning.  Unfortunately, all the evidence is circumstantial, but help comes from an unexpected source.


    Amazon:  4.3/5 based on 1,008 ratings and 83 reviews.

    Goodreads: 3.84/5 based on 2,108 ratings and 163 reviews.



    “I made my money too late to change my habits.  My Laura is after me I should have my suits made to order.  ‘You’ve got it now; spend it.’  But I can’t.  I can’t get interested enough in clothes to bother.  When I play poker, I play penny ante, and I notice that I get as much fun out of winning ninety cents as I would if it were ninety dollars.  And Irving is just as sore at losing thirty-two cents.”

    “Thirty-seven cents.”  (loc. 8505)


    “I told him that I’d had a meeting with a majority of the board prior to our little talk and that we had decided that if he refused to go along, at the next a motion would be offered—and passed—calling for his resignation.”

    “You fired him?”

    He pursed his lips and canted his head to one side.  “Just about.”

    “Nothing personal, of course.”

    “I flatter myself that I handled it pretty well,” said Gorfinkle with a smirk.  (loc. 9562)


Kindle Details…

    Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home is priced at $8.99 at Amazon at present.  The other books in the series are in the $0.99-$7.99 range, with most of them costing $6.99.  I read this as part of an e-book bundle containing the first four volumes of the series, and which costs $17.99 right now.


“By God, you nice respectable people can blunder into a situation and foul it up to make the angels weep.”  (loc. 9572)

    There’s only a smattering of profanity in Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home.  I counted just nine instances in the first half of the book, and those were all of the “milder” ilk.  The pejorative version of “Negro” (the "N-word") was used once, but with a negative connotation.  Typos were scarce and mostly involved missing commas and periods.


    The portrayal of pot dealers back in 1969 was a bit skewed.  Trust me, I was a teenager back then, and although drug dealing could be hazardous in those days, that was only true if the drug quantities were large.  A couple of joints does not constitute a large quantity.  Methinks Harry Kemelman took the movie Reefer Madness too seriously.


    The biggest issue I have with Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home is the diminished role of the crime investigation.  The first murder doesn’t come until 58% Kindle, and Rabbi Small doesn’t start his investigation until 65% Kindle.  It’s almost like the crimes were just a slapdash add-on to the book's storyline.


    Overall, this was a so-so read for me, probably because I’m reading this series mostly for the crime mystery aspect, not the religious angles.  If you happen to be reading these Rabbi Small books for their spiritual messages, add a couple stars to my rating.


    6 Stars.  One last thing.  Kudos for the brief mention of (Moses) Maimonides.  That was one kewl dude, centuries before his time.  If you don’t know anything about him, look him up in Wikipedia.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

A Storm Hits Valparaiso - David Gaughran

   2011; 322 pages.  New Author? : Yes.  Genres : Historical Fiction; War; South America.  Overall Rating : 7½*/10.


    I don’t want to sound pedantic, but the phrase “American Revolution” is rather vague.


    For starters, it can refer to North, Central, and/or South America.  By the early 1800s, all those areas had experienced wars for Independence.


    The insurrections in South America were scattered throughout that continent.  Brazil was trying to gain independence from Portugal; everywhere else the European colonizer was Spain.  The most famous revolutionary leader down there was Simon Bolivar, and rightfully so.  Bolivia is named for him, and his “liberation area” includes territory from Venezuela down through Peru.


    In the lands south of there, Chile and Argentina, different leaders led the uprisings, most notably José de San Martin and an Irish dude named Bernardo O’Higgins.  You’ve probably never heard of either of them.


    A Storm Hits Valparaiso chronicles that part of the “American Revolution”, and will help you get acquainted with José de San Martin.


What’s To Like...

    There are six storylines to follow in A Storm Hits Valparaiso.  They focus on seven main characters, who are (along with their starting points):

    Catalina Flores (in Chile)

    Lord Captain Thomas Cochrane (in Scotland)

    Diego and Jorge Ramirez (in Argentina)

    Zé (in Brazil)

    José de San Martin (in Spain)

    Pacha (in Peru)


    Timewise, most of the story takes place in 1811-1822 CE, although the Epilogue extends that timeframe quite a bit, since it has a “whatever happened to . . .” format.  All of the main characters do a lot of moving around, which is not surprising since wars were underway throughout South America and Europe.


    The seven protagonists get more or less equal billing in the first half of the book, but gradually José de San Martin emerges as the primary one.  After checking in Wikipedia, I was pleasantly surprised how many real-life people and actual historical events get worked into the storyline.


    The text is delightfully sprinkled with Spanish colloquialisms, such as chica, puerca, aguardiente, campesinos, and claro; as well as some, erm, “colorful” terms, such as maricon, culos, bastardo, and putas.  We’ll let you look up the translations of those.  There’s also a smattering of Portuguese (quilombos) and French (Vive le Roi!  Vivent les Bourbons!), plus one English spelling (as opposed to American): offences.


    The ending brings closure to each of the six storylines.  Some of the protagonists are reunited; some have left South America; some have been laid to rest six feet underground.  Overall, things have changed in South America: the revolutionaries have gained the upper hand.


Kewlest New Word ...

    Scrivener (n.) : a clerk or scribe.


    Amazon: 3.6*/5, based on 189 ratings and 106 reviews.

    Goodreads: 3.44*/5, based on 202 ratings and 49 reviews.



    “Let me make sure I’ve got this right.  Mr. Jackson has called a meeting with himself to see if he is going to increase the amount he is charging himself for such meetings."

    “If you want to put it like that, sir, but I assure you everything is above board.

    “We shall see.  Where is this meeting taking place?”

    “I’m afraid I’m not aware,” said the clerk.

    “Where is Mr. Jackson’s office?”

    “Which one?”

    “Either!”  (pg. 63)


    In the end, it didn’t matter; they didn’t care who he was or where he was from, as long as he signed up.  The recruiting officer gave Zé a short speech on the army and the war, which he only partly understood.  Spanish wasn’t that different from Portuguese, but everyone spoke so quickly, chopping words, running one sentence into the next.  Only one part was easy to understand.  The penalty for desertion was mentioned several times: muerte.  Death.  (pg. 117)


Kindle Details…

    It appears that A Storm Hits Valparaiso is no longer available in the e-book format I read it in.  The paperback version costs $25.59 at Amazon.  David Gaughran offers two other Historical-Fiction e-books at Amazon: Liberty Boy for $4.99, and Mercenary for free.


“A political priest is like a religious general; a castle with sails.”  (pg. 178)

    Profanity in A Storm Hits Valparaiso is a bilingual affair.  In addition to the Spanish words already mentioned, I counted eight cusswords in English in the first 50% of the book,.  There was one roll-in-the-hay later on.  That’s really pretty clean for a storyline chronicling the brutality of war in the 19th century.


    A number of reviewers criticized the six different storylines in the book, finding it hard to remember who was doing what and where.  They have a point, but happily I keep notes while reading; so this was not a problem for me.


    I only caught a couple of typos, namely: back lads/back, lads, town?s/town’s, and reigned/reined.  Kudos to the editors, they did a fine job.  And although Valparaiso is one of many settings in the tale, it is not a major one, so I never did figure out why it rated being part of the title.


    But these are quibbles.  In World History classes in college, José de San Martin was for some reason my favorite South American revolutionary and I always wondered a.) why he didn’t get as much ink as Simon Bolivar, and b.) what ever happened to him.  Thanks to David Gaughran, I now have answers.


    Overall, I enjoyed A Storm Hits Valparaiso, primarily because it covers an important era in History that rarely gets any literary attention.  You might be a bit disappointed that, for most of the book’s fictional characters, the ending is not a “they lived happily ever after” scenario.  But that holds true for the historical characters here as well.  War is Hell.


    7½ Stars.  One last teaser.  At one point there is a “talking sword” in the storyline.  When’s the last time you read a Historical Fiction novel with one of those in it?

Friday, January 3, 2025

Small Favour - Jim Butcher

   2008; 437 pages.  Book 10 (out of 17) in the “Dresden Files” series.  New Author? : No.  Genres: Paranormal Thriller; Urban Fantasy; Action-Intrigue.  Overall Rating: 9*/10.


    It’s all rather bizarre.


    Someone has kidnapped Chicago crime boss “Gentleman Johnnie Marcone”.  They literally tore the entire front off the building he was in and whisked him away.  Chicago Police want the city’s resident wizard, Harry Dresden, to investigate.  But that’s not the strange part.


    Queen Mab, aka "The Winter Queen", aka "The Faerie Queen", drops in on Harry, and calls in a small favor that he owes her.  She too wants him to investigate Marcone's kidnapping.  That’s the strange part.


    Why would the paranormal community care one bit about the whereabouts of a Chicago gangster?  I don’t know, but any mortal, even if he’s a wizard, who sticks his nose into this, will probably get it chopped off.


    Good luck, Harry!  You're gonna need it.


What’s To Like...

    The title does not contain a typo; the paperback I read was published in England, hence “Favour”.  The text was in “American” though, so I guess Orbit Books prints its books both ways.


    Small Favour is an Action-Intrigue story, and there is an abundance supply of both in the storyline.  Harry’s investigation seems to trigger all sorts of attempts on his life, which in turn keeps him wondering whether ulterior motives are in play, and if so, what those are.


    A slew of new creatures and characters are introduced here, including Hobs (servants of the Winter Faeries) and Gruffs (as in “three Billy Goats Gruff” and servants of the Summer Faeries).  Those creatures have evil intentions, but are puny in power compared to the Denarians, aka “The Fallen”, who are now demonic in nature but still retain their magical powers.


   An impressive cast of recurring characters including Thomas (Harry’s half-brother and a vampire), Michael (Harry’s friend-in-arms and Knight of the Cross), Molly (Michael’s daughter and apprentice wizard being trained by Harry), Ivy (also known as The Archive), and Karrin Murphy (a Chicago Policewoman who looks after the city’s interest in these magical shenanigans).  They all have significant parts in the storyline and do their best to keep Harry alive.


    Things build to a nail-biting, twisty, and desperate—for both the Good forces and the Evil ones—ending.  The Good Guys prevail (c’mon, you knew they would) but it comes at considerable cost in terms of bloodshed and trauma.  The last of 46 chapters is 30 pages long, and serves as both an Epilogue for this book and a teaser for the next one, Turn Coat.


    Amazon: 4.7*/5, based on 8,659 ratings and 691 reviews.

    Goodreads: 4.43*/5, based on 112,931 ratings and 3,295 reviews.



    Anybody with an ounce of sense knows that fighting someone with a significant advantage in size, weight, and reach is difficult.  If your opponent has you by fifty pounds, winning a fight against him is dubious proposition, at best.

    If your opponent has you by eight thousand and fifty pounds, you’ve left the realm of combat and enrolled yourself in Roadkill 101.  Or possibly a Tom and Jerry cartoon.  (pg. 207)


    Thomas frowned.  “You aren’t just running your mouth, here, are you?  You’re serious?”

    “It’s a worst-case scenario,” I said.  “But Nicodemus could do it, so we’ve got to proceed under the presumption that his intentions are in that category.  The Denarians want to disrupt civilization, and with the Archive under their control, they could do it.  Maybe they’d use biological or chemicals weapons instead.  Maybe they’d crash the world economy.  Maybe they’d turn every program on television into one of those reality shows.”

    “That’s mostly done already, Harry.”  (pg. 342)


“Punctuality is for people with nothing better to do.”  (pg. 345)

    Small Favour doesn’t skimp on the profanity.  I noticed 20 instances in the first 10% of the book, of which three-quarters reference the Underworld.  But only one of those twenty was an f-bomb.  I’d call this par for the course for a Dresden Files book


    It’s difficult to find anything else to whine about.  Nevernever, the Faerie world, and Bob the Skull, which are two of my favorite tropes in this series, play almost no part in the storyline.  That’s all I can complain about.  The lofty Goodreads rating of 4.43 is fully justified.


    Small Favour is both a standalone novel and part of a (completed) 17-book series.  I’ve now read the first ten books in the series and Jim Butcher hasn’t lost his knack for spinning out captivating tales of Harry Dresden keeping Chicago safe from falling victim to various Dark Forces.  Heck, Chicagoans aren’t even aware that any paranormal creatures exist.


    9 Stars.  One last thing.  I was impressed by the way Jim Butcher portrays the mob boss.  Most writers would just cast him as a ruthless, totally-evil thug; but here we discover that Marcone has a noble side as well, even if he rarely gets to show it.  I love it when the characters in a story are “gray”.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

A Hat Full of Sky - Terry Pratchett

   2004; 406 pages.  New Author? : No.  Book 32 (out of 41) in the “Discworld” series.  Book 2 (out of 5) in the “Tiffany Aching” sub-series.  Genre : Fantasy; Humor.  Overall Rating: 8*/10.


    It’s time for Tiffany Aching to start her training to be a witch!  The first step is a big one—she’s going to leave home and move into her witch-tutor’s house.  This means saying goodbye to her parents for a while, even though she’s only eleven years old.


    Her tutor will be Miss Level.  Both of her.  We’ll explain that later.  Tiffany will also get to do a bit of socializing with other girls her age who are also training to be witches.


    Magic spells and flying brooms certainly sound exciting!  But keep your ears and eyes open, Tiffany.  Because there are other creatures out there who can sense when spells are being cast, and locate their sources.


    And not all of them have your best interests in mind.


What’s To Like...

    A Hat Full of Sky is the second book in a 5-volume YA coming-of-age fantasy series set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe.  Book One, The Wee Free Men, introduced us to nine-year-old Tiffany, now it’s two years later.


    Being so young, Tiffany struggles with self-confidence and socializing with other girls, and it's fun to watch her progress in those areas over time.  She also learns that the essence of being a witch is more about caring about and rendering service to those in need in her neighborhood, not performing dazzling tricks.


    As with any Terry Pratchett novel, the character-building here is superb.  We are introduced to several local witches, each with their own quirks: one can’t make turns while flying on her broom; and Miss Level somehow has two simultaneous manifestations.  Oswald is a neat-freak ondageist (say what?!), and even the group of Pictsies called the Nac Mac Feegle, all have their own unique personalities.


    The tension in the storyline builds and leads up to a life-or-death confrontation between Tiffany and an unstoppable essence called “the hiver”, where the outcome-determining question is: how do you defeat something that is, by definition, invincible?  Things close with a festival called “The Witch Trials” where all the witches—whether they be initiates and old veteran hags alike—get to show off the tricks of their trade.  The story ends on Hogswatchday, a celebration on Discworld known as “the changing of the year”, or what you and I would call the Winter Solstice.


    Amazon:  4.8/5 based on 4,992 ratings and 598 reviews.

    Goodreads: 4.32/5 based on 76,926 ratings and 2,742 reviews.



    “PLN?” she said.

    “Aye,” said Rob proudly.  “We came prepared!  Look, it’s written doon.  Pee El Ner.  Plan.”

   “Er . . . how can I put this . . .” Miss Level mused.  “Ah, yes.  You came rushing all this way to save Tiffany from a creature that can’t be seen, touched, smelled, or killed.  What did you intend to do when you found it?”

    Rob Anybody scratched his head, to a general shower of objects.

    “I think mebbe you’ve put yer finger on the one weak spot, mistress,” he admitted.  (pg. 222)


    “I thought you might have a . . . a use for this.”

    The old woman slowly unwrapped the white paper.  The Zephyr Billow cloak unrolled itself under her fingers and filled the air like smoke.

    “It’s lovely, but I couldn’t wear it,” said Tiffany as the cloak shaped itself over the gentle currents of the clearing.  “You need gravitas to carry off a cloak like that.”

    “What’s gravitarse?” said Granny Weatherwax sharply.

    “Oh . . . dignity.  Seniority.  Wisdom.  Those sorts of things,” said Tiffany.  (pg. 396)


Kindle Details…

    A Hat Full of Sky sells for $13.99 at Amazon right now.  The other 40 books in the series range in price from $4.99 to $14.99, with no apparent pattern in the pricing strategy


It was dreadful when your own thoughts tried to gang up on you.  (pg. 308)

    A Hat Full of Sky contains zero profanity, zero gore, and zero adult situations.  The target audience is YA girls, so I expected this level of cleanliness, but if you’re not part of that target audience (and I’m not), you may find the story’s tone a bit “tame”.


    You might also find the pacing in the first half of the book, where Tiffany gets her first lessons in witchery, a bit slow.  But the second half of the story is vintage Pratchett storytelling, and is worth the wait.  I should also admit that I’m not reading these Tiffany Aching books in order, and I definitely got the feeling that was a mistake on my part.


    Although the story is set in Discworld, the only characters from the main series that play a role here are Granny Weatherwax and Death.  If your favorite character is someone like Carrot, Sam Vimes, or Rincewind, you might be a bit disappointed, although the Nac Mac Feegle do supply a fair amount of Discworld wit and hilarity to the tale.


    Overall, A Hat Full of Sky fully met my expectation for a Terry Pratchett YA novel, with some excellent insight for young readers about things like self-image and service to one’s fellow man.  Adults will likely find it thought-provoking as well.


    8 Stars.  One last thing.  When you’re given three wishes by a grateful genie or magic frog or fairy godmother, what should your third wish always be, according to Granny Weatherwax?  Answer is in the comments.

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Last Moriarty - Charles Veley

   2015; 292 pages.  Book 1 (out of 36) in the “Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Mystery” series.  New Author? : Yes.  Genres : Historical Mystery; Thriller; Sherlock Holmes.  Overall Rating: 9*/10.


    Frederick Foster fell to his death from the Westminster Bridge last night.  Or maybe he jumped.  Or maybe someone pushed him.  Mr. Foster was an American.  A business card found on his body identifies him as an employee of the Standard Oil Corporation.


    Sherlock Holmes has been summoned rather early in the morning to come to St. Thomas Hospital to examine the corpse.  His faithful aide, Dr. Watson, is invited to come along.


     Several important people have also journeyed to the hospital to hear what Holmes has to say about whether this was an accident, a suicide, or a murder.  They include England’s First Lord of the Admiralty, the Lord Chancellor of Her Majesty’s courts, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner of London, and the Secretary of State for War’s chief of staff.  Oh yeah, and the Prime Minister himself, Lord Salisbury.


    Now why would such a bunch of high muckamucks be interested about the death of an American businessman?


What’s To Like...

    The Last Moriarty is set in November, 1895 in the classic setting for Sherlock Holmes stories: the greater London area.  The tale is presented the traditional way: via Dr. Watson’s journal.  A number of characters from the Arthur Conan Doyle series also show up here, including Inspector Lestrade, the Baker Street Irregulars, and my personal favorite, Mycroft Holmes.


    There are also lots of new people introduced: some good guys, others baddies, but all of them interesting to meet.  Two of them, Zoe Rosario and Lucy James, I feel certain will be sharing the spotlight with Holmes and Watson in future tales.


    I was impressed with how adeptly Charles Veley can spin a story in “Watson-esque” style.  The storyline quickly gets more complicated, and plot twists abound.  There are even several instances of Sherlock making those incredible deductions when meeting someone, with onlookers gasping at how he could do that, and Holmes then explaining what observations clued him in.  I loved those interludes in Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories.


    Everything builds to an exciting ending.  The bad guys’ ultimate intentions are revealed and seemingly have things completely in their control.  Their nefarious plans will fail, of course, but the fun is seeing just how that somehow transpires.

    The chapters are short, with 66 of them covering 292 pages, and The Last Moriarty is both a standalone novel and part of a series.


    Amazon:  4.4/5 based on 5,461 ratings and 761 reviews.

    Goodreads: 4.20/5 based on 4,030 ratings and 312 reviews.



    “Moriarty was both physically unattractive—‘reptilian,’ as you have described him, Dr. Watson—and also entirely lacking in ability to perform a musical composition in the spirit intended by the composer.  Due to his mathematical gifts he was able to grasp the theoretical aspects of a composition instantly, that much is true.  But he had no feel, no heart, to understand and project the emotion of the composer, which is, of course, the sole reason for the existence of any musical performance.”  (loc. 1482)


    Holmes would be accused of placing a personal relationship above matters of national importance.  I recalled an ironic poem by Mr. Kipling, the gist of which was that we ordinary people frequently take an attitude of superiority to soldiers, until the shooting starts and we need them to protect us.  The critics of Holmes, I thought, would not hesitate to turn on him if he failed in his mission.  (loc. 2294)


Kindle Details…

    The Last Moriarty sells for $3.99 at Amazon right now.  The other e-books in this 36-book series are all priced within the $2.99-$4.99 range.


She appeared to be in radiant health, possibly due to the beneficial effects of frequent exposure to music.  (loc. 577)

      I didn’t note any cusswords at all in The Last Moriarty, and that always impresses me.  There’s action and intrigue aplenty, yet I don’t recall any "adult situations."


    A number of Sherlock Holmes series have cropped up over the last couple decades, due to the copyrights expiring on the characters in the series.  I’ve sampled several of them, and their quality ranges from “pretty good” (including one co-written by Kareem Abdul Jabbar) to “downright amateurish” (we’ll not name names).


    The Last Moriarty comes closer to duplicating Arthur Conan Doyle’s style of writing and storytelling than any other series I’ve read, and that's a giant plus.  Book Two, The Wilhelm Conspiracy, is on my Kindle and I’m eager to see how it compares to Book One.  Stay tuned.


    9 Stars.  One last thing.  I loved seeing chemistry play an important part of the storyline.  White phosphorus, chloroform, and hyoscine all crop up, much to my delight.  Okay, full disclosure, I am a career chemist, so I’m a bit prejudiced about this.  But still, when chemicals are involved in the tale, it means that the author has done a bunch of research.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Ten Big Ones - Janet Evanovich

   2004; 319 pages.  Book 10 (out of 31) in the “Stephanie Plum” series.  New Author? : No.  Genre : Crime-Humor; Women Sleuths; Beach Read.  Overall Rating : */10.


    There’s a psycho running amok in Trenton, New Jersey.  He calls himself the “Red Devil” and has held up fourteen of the city’s deli-marts.  First he robs them, then as he exits, he tosses a Molotov cocktail into the store.  Instant conflagration.


    Stephanie Plum accidentally interrupted his routine during his latest heist.  He got a flat tire out of it; she got a burned-to-the-ground car.  But Stephanie caught a glimpse of his face and, though it wasn’t anyone she recognized, she’d know him if she saw him again.


    Which, of course happened a short time later.  Unfortunately, the Red Devil also recognized her, and understood the threat when Stephanie yelled, “Hey!  Wait a minute.  I want to talk to you.”  A chaotic chase ensued, with the Red Devil getting away.


    It’s kind of weird when a bounty hunter and a pyromaniac robber are both driving around Trenton, teach trying to spot the other.


What’s To Like...

    Unsurprisingly, the Red Devil/Stephanie plotline quickly becomes more tangled.  A local gang, the Slayers, gets involved.  Then a contract killer arrives from California with a list of people he’s being paid to dispose of, and Stephanie’s one of them.


    Stephanie’s personal life is getting more complicated as well.  Her sister Valerie, to whom she’s lent her apartment, still hasn’t gotten a place of her own, and Stephanie’s current living situation—shacking up with her cop boyfriend, Joe Morelli—is making her feel cramped.  Her subsequent housing solution stirs things up still further.


    The gangs, hitmen, psycho store-robbers, and relationship issues give this book a darker-than-normal tone for a Stephanie Plum novel.  Things turn even darker when Steph and friends decide to kidnap a baddie and beat some information out of him.


    Fortunately, Janet Evanovich balances all this with some lighter elements.  Mary Alice still thinks she’s a horse, Grandma Mazur and Lula provide comedic embarrassment, and a new character, Sally, shows up sporting something called a “swear band”.


    Everything builds to an exciting, over-the-top, and nail-biting ending.  Help arrives from an unexpected source just in the nick of time.  All the “Bounty Hunter” plot threads are tied up, and all the “Love Triangle” plot threads remain enticingly unresolved.


    Amazon:  4.6/5 based on 7,994 ratings and 994 reviews.

    Goodreads: 4.15/5 based on 105,382 ratings and 2,568 reviews.



    “This wasn’t one of my better days,” I said to Morelli.  “My car was destroyed, I was involved in a shooting, and I just sat through a dinner from hell.”

    Morelli slung an arm around me.  “Dinner wasn’t that bad.”

    “My sister talked cuddle umpkins to Kloughn for two hours, my mother and grandmother cried every time someone mentioned the wedding, Mary Alice whinnied nonstop, and the baby threw up on you.”

    “Yeah, but aside from that. . .”

    “Not to mention, Grandma got completely snookered and passed out at the table.”

    “She was the smart one,” Morelli said(pg. 47)


    “And I suppose it’s okay for you to go after him?” I said to Morelli.

    “I’m a cop.  We go after criminals.  That’s why you called me, right?”

    “And I’m a fugitive apprehension agent.”

    “Don’t take this the wrong way,” Morelli said, “but you’re not a great apprehension agent.”

    “I get the job done.”

    “You’re a magnet for disaster.”  (pg. 180)


“I know a doughnut butt when I see one.”  (pg. 184)

    The profanity level in Ten Big Ones, was about normal.  I noted twenty cusswords in the first 10% of the book, which included a half-dozen f-bombs.  References to adult situations, adult toys, and anatomical organs show up later on.  This is the norm for this series.   And we won't even mention the charming transvestite character.


    As mentioned, the ending is exciting, but it also felt a bit hurried and too convenient.  That’s okay, though, there’s simply no way to portray a street gang in a light-hearted manner and still make them believably threatening.


    Ten Big Ones is another solid entry in the Stephanie Plum adventures.  If you’re looking for a series that’s funny, thrilling, heartwarming, romantic, quirky, and twisty, I highly recommend giving this bounty hunter a try.


    8½ Stars.  One last thing.  For those who keep count of these things:  Total cars trashed by Steph: One.  Total FTA’s rebooked by Steph: Seven.  Our protagonist is becoming an ace bounty hunter.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Brother Hermitage's Christmas Gift - Howard of Warwick

    2017; 128 pages.  New Author? : No.  Genre : Historical Satire; Christmas; Novella; Medieval Fiction.  Overall Rating: 8½*/10.


    December 25, 1066 CE is nigh!  It will be a day of celebration!


    Not only because it’s Christmas, or, as they called it back then: Christes Mass Day.  It’s also the day that Duke William of Normandy will be crowned the King of England.  That's William, the victor at the Battle of Hastings over King Harold of the Saxons.  That's the “late” King Harold.


    The Archbishop of Canterbury has instructed all abbeys in England to send emissaries bearing gifts to William.  It is prudent to get on the good side of the new ruler.


    For reasons best left untold, Abbot Athan, the head of the abbey at De’Ath’s Dingle, has chosen Brother Hermitage to attend the coronation.  Along with his wiseacre sidekick, Wat the Weaver.


    Have fun, Hermitage and Wat.  Paint smiles on your faces as you try to forget that you’re both Saxons, not Normans.


What’s To Like...

    Brother Hermitage’s Christmas Gift is a novella-length Christmas tale set in 11th-century England, in the critical days when the Anglo-Saxon rulership ends and the Normans take over.  It has the same setting as Howard of Warwick’s Chronicles of Brother Hermitage series uses, although here the a trio of the recurring characters play a part.


    Unlike the regular books in the series, there is no murders or other crimes for Brother Hermitage to investigate.  Instead, the theme of the story is the nature of gift-giving.  Hermitage and Wat have polar-opposite views about that, and weeklong trek from De’Ath’s Dingle to London gives them ample time to debate it.  They also have to figure out what an appropriate gift the new king should be, and then find one, since they forgot to hit up Abbot Athan for one.


    I enjoyed tagging along on their 7-day journey.  Each night lodging and meals must be found, and they are introduced to some fascinating characters.  They also have to beware crossing paths with brigands and marauding Norman soldiers.  And, as is true of all books in this series, Howard of Warwick’s witty dialogue and dry humor is a royal treat.


    The story is written in English, not American, so you get weird spellings such as focussed, recognise, practise, and meagre.  But it wasn't distracting, and I always like reading in a foreign language.


    The ending is good, with a bit of excitement capping off an otherwise philosophical tale.  The gift-giving storyline has a moral to it, but it’s not what I was expecting.


    Amazon:  4.3/5 based on 448 ratings and 46 reviews.

    Goodreads: 4.09/5 based on 190 ratings and 13 reviews.



    When established constructions, particularly old Roman ones, fell into disrepair the local folk would gather the fallen stones for their own homes.  De’Ath’s Dingle didn’t fall into disrepair, it jumped.  Local folks knew far better than to use material cast off by that place.  As the saying in those parts went: "The stones of De’Ath’s Dingle; for when the worst isn’t quite bad enough.”  (loc. 148)


    “So you expect us to travel to London in seven days?”


    “In the middle of winter, across a land not yet conquered and probably swarming with armed groups taking advantage of the chaos?”

    “That’s it.”

    “Two Saxons into an army of Normans celebrating their victory?”

    “You do ask a lot of questions.”

    “We’ll be killed.”  (loc. 276)


Kindle Details…

    Brother Hermitage’s Christmas Gift sells for $1.49 at Amazon right now.  It is related to Howard of Warwick’s popular Chronicles of Brother Hermitage series, which is up to 32 (soon to be 33) e-books.   The prices for those tales range from $2.99 to $4.99.


“Amanuesis?”  “A man who what?”  (loc. 579)

    There is zero profanity in Brother Hermitage’s Christmas Gift which seems appropriate for a Christmas story.  This is the fourth book I’ve read featuring Brother Hermitage, and so far, all of they’ve all been light on the cusswords.  I like it when an author is skilled enough to not have to overuse expletives to tell the story.


    For a change, the typos were also scarce.  One missing period, and one clunky wording (“Because it what…”) were all I noted.  The opening word in each chapter (chapters are called “caputs” here; and is that kewl, or what!) has an extra space in it, but I’m sure this was a formatting issue beyond the author’s control, not a typo.


    I can’t think of anything else to grouse about.  Brother Hermitage’s Christmas Gift was a delight to read from beginning to end, and exactly what I look for in a Christes Mass story: short and sweet, and thoughtfully upbeat.


    8½ Stars.  One last thing.  If you’re new to this series, you should know that Wat the Weaver is renowned for his “sophisticated” tapestries.  Quite a few of the characters here are well acquainted with his masterpieces.  Unfortunately, his craftwork probably is not appropriate as a public gift to a newly crowned monarch.